The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) met four times during 2009 on
February 13, April 17, September 11 and November 13. The members of the committee are listed in the attached sheet. Attendance averaged ~ 70%.
In 2008, the Section Chair prepared a survey which was sent to the chair of each committee, sub-section and topical group.  The response from committee chairs and members was low and the LRPC advised the Section Chair and Chair-elect to consider re-administering the survey, possibly using survey monkey to obtain a better response rate.  Most committee chairs indicated they have been serving for some years and the committee is functioning well.
In light of the new full student membership which became effective in June 2009, LRPC advised the Board to obtain student membership information in the New York Section from ACS data and observe any impact on Local Section membership.  The LRPC advised that the Section Chair send a letter to welcome them and encourage them to be involved in local section activities.
LRPC continued to discuss using computer technology for meetings and more High School student involvement in section activities.  LRPC also suggested the Board prepare a flier of NY Section activities to be distributed to High School Teachers.
As far as collaboration with other professional organizations, the NY section is in the vanguard and it collaborates with NYAS, EAS and American Association of Clinical Chemists with more collaboration expected in the future.
The LRP committee initiated and advised the Board to recommend a candidate for the National Historic Chemical Landmarks from the New York Area.  The LRP Committee recommended Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY to apply for the Landmarks program.  The Chemistry Department of BNL submitted an application and ACS committee advised modifications.  BNL revised and resubmitted the application and is now waiting for the approval by the ACS Committee of the National Historic Chemical Landmarks Program.
Respectfully submitted by
Hiroko I. Karan
2009 Chair, LRPC