Ping Furlan, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Science
United States Merchant Marine Academy
300 Steamboat Road
Kings Point, NY 11024
(516) 726-5783 Email
Let's Do Chemistry Baker STEM Night
The Long Island Subsection of the New York Local Section of the American Chemical Society and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) participated in the Great Neck E. M. Baker Elementary School's
STEM Family Night for the 5th consecutive year since the Program's inception in 2015. This year, the event was granted a
special waiver from the USMMA Superintendent, Admiral J. Buono, to be allowed to happen during the government shutdown period.
On the evening of Tuesday, January 22, 2019, fifteen midshipmen along with four faculty members brought eleven experiments to the
Event for the local youth to try and helped present additional activities prepared by the Baker School parents' organization.
The efforts were greatly appreciated by the students, parents, teachers, and administrators of the Baker Elementary School.
It was a fun and rewarding night for all who were involved. The experiments included: What's in the water (LDC), chemistry
is colorful(LDC), nature of dye, instant snow, Rocket chemistry (LDC), vacuum space (LDC), chemistry makes scents (LDC), instant
hot pack, build a battery (LDC), radiometry, insulator vs. conductor. (LDC = Let's Do Chemistry Kit activity)
The Let's Do Chemistry Kits were developed and provided by National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE Net)
through the National Science Foundation (NSF) funds under grant number DRL 1612482. We thank them for their generous support.